Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Another David: IPac

Goliaths beget Davids. Whenever an entity egregiously abuses its power, someone will notice, and fight, weakly at first. The first David I met in this battle was Hank Barry (original Napster), and it was painful to watch these multimillion dollar forces attack with such vengeance, actually threatening his home, to his face. At the time, BTW, he was doing everything imaginable to work WITH them. He's a businessman, thought he could make a profit & they could too. But, they were greedy and arrogant, and behind the facade of fighting for artists, launched a major offensive. They made it so personal. He may have been one of the first, he certainly isn't the last. IPac is a recently formed political action committee. With its paltry $7k, it successfully supported the reelection of five freedom friendly congresspeople in 2004, including Rick Boucher who sponsored legislation reigning in RIAA etc. I urge everyone interested in creativity and personal freedom to check out their website. The link is above. This is an important issue, no one is immune, unless you live in a cave somewhere. Its only when attention is brought and the public is educated that real change will happen here.


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