Thursday, November 04, 2004

Next Steps

Having answered the original dozen questions, I must now mow greener pastures. Having dealt so harshly with the boringness of others, I do feel a bit compelled to at least focus on another artform. Film is my second favorite. Why music first? It is so intense. I guess Marshall McLuhan would call it hot, like the phone. All your focus is auditory. I have been pulled in by films, they're big. I've sat third row center in more musicals... and loved that feeling. But there is nothing in the world that can compare to being a few feet from one of the world's great guitarists, or performers (especially when you're floating on a sea of people or overlooking the Rockies or tripping your brains out or something). I don't know, maybe it's just me, but get me around men playing electric guitars and it's all over. Music is immediate. It's right there and you can just hop inside it and let it move your body. It's visceral, organic. Now that I have more of an appreciation for the vocals and what it takes to make it all come together in a band, it's even better. And, of course, actually being the one up there, chanelling the music, hearing your own voice, watching people dance in front of you, hearing your band crank it out.... it's incredible. What a rush!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG, I'd love to hear your music and to expose you to mine. I've self-produced two CD's and while I've been told that the production values "leave much to be desired," I got a great kick out of putting my stuff to the test and arranging and performing virtually all the parts myself.

8:30 PM  

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