Is the Internet the Messiah?
If God wanted to talk to humanity, how would that happen? Through natural occurrences, "acts of God", weather, earthquakes, tsunamis? I discussed this in my 1/5/05 & 1/17/05 posts. It's a bit hard to know what to do with messages like that.
Most people anthropomorphize God, having difficulty getting too abstract. So, would he send one super-enlightened person to fill us all in? Jesus tried, and then was tried, and lost. I'm sure God could have anticipated that one, I mean, some guy going around claiming to be the messiah... if he even said that....
Ok, well he gave him the super powers to prove it to everyone right? Yet he doesn't use his superpowers, or even common sense, to save his own ass, better to show everyone how bad mankind is cause you even killed God's only son? Or maybe he was just trying to show hypocrisy or greed, our base fears. Well, he did a good job, and Jesus, man, myth, or Son of God, taught us all great lessons.
Remember, his greatest contempt was for the wealthy and his greatest love was for the poor. He hated the elite and elevated, loved the masses. The lesson of his life is that it is very difficult to lead humanity higher because humans bow to fear of the unknown and can't be given enlightenment, even by Jesus. But, the happy ending was the resurrection. We can all rise above our fears and reach for something higher.
Those in the Eastern religions who try to elevate their consciousness to the point where they can exert power over the physical world say that such powers should never be demonstrated to prove the existence of God, or to interfere with the natural course of events. That, those who make such demonstrations have only reached a fairly modest level of advancement. True teachers aren't egotistical show-offs, they are trying to help genuine seekers find peace and enlightenment by pointing the way, not banging folks over the head with your message. BTW, there is much scholarly debate about whether Jesus actually performed miracles or claimed to be the messiah.
It seems like God has given up trying to get through to his creations by investing humans with unique powers over the physical world, or sending blimps or banners, particularly since the technology now exists to prove or disprove such things. People flock to Lourdes for healing from all over the world, and many are healed. Catholics must perform miracles to be beatified, but that's posthumously, as intercessionaries. I mean, if someone today were to change water into wine or walk on water, and raise the dead, and that person could prove these skills, all the while crediting God, we'd listen.
In fact, I'm sure they'd make a reality show about it, just like they did on Network. I mean, we already have John Edward, a medium who hosts a very popular show. By the way, a number of these mediums, like Edward, have been tested and shown to be the real deal. That is, they knew so much information, that they could not have known any other way, it was clinically proven that they do indeed communicate with dead people. But, these guys aren't saying they're God, they are just able to tune into a frequency most of us don't get, at least not well enough to translate.
So, if God did want to get our attention, what would she say? Hey, you guys are doing a pretty bad job of it, too much killing, not enough communicating and creating and communing? Remember, in iRobot & all the other films, we did not want to stop at automatonic robots, we wanted the next step up, robots with feelings and free will. We want the robots to understand the rules but, without giving them the ability to ignore the rules, the robots are too boring, their love can't be real unless it comes from freedom.
Same with God. God is not gonna send a big spaceship, or Jerry Falwell, to tell us all to shape up. In zoos, they used to just give the animals the food. Then they found it was better to make the animals work a bit to get their food, so now they put it in logs or other things which force the animals to affirmatively act to get the sustenance they need. The animals are happier and more motivated that way.
We humans also have to find sustanence for ourselves, if we want it. And it hasn't, generally, just been thrown in front of us unless we had misguided parents, too many advantages in life... then you end up like Paris Hilton. What we got is a system where we can easily communicate verbally, musically & visually with each other instantaneously, using tools to find the information we need to enlighten ourselves and each other. And this is why we need to be vigilant about keeping the internet open and free.
God wants to see us improve, just like we like happy endings in the movies. But, we still go to movies without knowing the endings, because it's entertaining. We hate it when folks give away the ending. The internet can be used to elevate, but, it does have great power and misused, or underused, we could crucify ourselves again here.
Most people anthropomorphize God, having difficulty getting too abstract. So, would he send one super-enlightened person to fill us all in? Jesus tried, and then was tried, and lost. I'm sure God could have anticipated that one, I mean, some guy going around claiming to be the messiah... if he even said that....
Ok, well he gave him the super powers to prove it to everyone right? Yet he doesn't use his superpowers, or even common sense, to save his own ass, better to show everyone how bad mankind is cause you even killed God's only son? Or maybe he was just trying to show hypocrisy or greed, our base fears. Well, he did a good job, and Jesus, man, myth, or Son of God, taught us all great lessons.
Remember, his greatest contempt was for the wealthy and his greatest love was for the poor. He hated the elite and elevated, loved the masses. The lesson of his life is that it is very difficult to lead humanity higher because humans bow to fear of the unknown and can't be given enlightenment, even by Jesus. But, the happy ending was the resurrection. We can all rise above our fears and reach for something higher.
Those in the Eastern religions who try to elevate their consciousness to the point where they can exert power over the physical world say that such powers should never be demonstrated to prove the existence of God, or to interfere with the natural course of events. That, those who make such demonstrations have only reached a fairly modest level of advancement. True teachers aren't egotistical show-offs, they are trying to help genuine seekers find peace and enlightenment by pointing the way, not banging folks over the head with your message. BTW, there is much scholarly debate about whether Jesus actually performed miracles or claimed to be the messiah.
It seems like God has given up trying to get through to his creations by investing humans with unique powers over the physical world, or sending blimps or banners, particularly since the technology now exists to prove or disprove such things. People flock to Lourdes for healing from all over the world, and many are healed. Catholics must perform miracles to be beatified, but that's posthumously, as intercessionaries. I mean, if someone today were to change water into wine or walk on water, and raise the dead, and that person could prove these skills, all the while crediting God, we'd listen.
In fact, I'm sure they'd make a reality show about it, just like they did on Network. I mean, we already have John Edward, a medium who hosts a very popular show. By the way, a number of these mediums, like Edward, have been tested and shown to be the real deal. That is, they knew so much information, that they could not have known any other way, it was clinically proven that they do indeed communicate with dead people. But, these guys aren't saying they're God, they are just able to tune into a frequency most of us don't get, at least not well enough to translate.
So, if God did want to get our attention, what would she say? Hey, you guys are doing a pretty bad job of it, too much killing, not enough communicating and creating and communing? Remember, in iRobot & all the other films, we did not want to stop at automatonic robots, we wanted the next step up, robots with feelings and free will. We want the robots to understand the rules but, without giving them the ability to ignore the rules, the robots are too boring, their love can't be real unless it comes from freedom.
Same with God. God is not gonna send a big spaceship, or Jerry Falwell, to tell us all to shape up. In zoos, they used to just give the animals the food. Then they found it was better to make the animals work a bit to get their food, so now they put it in logs or other things which force the animals to affirmatively act to get the sustenance they need. The animals are happier and more motivated that way.
We humans also have to find sustanence for ourselves, if we want it. And it hasn't, generally, just been thrown in front of us unless we had misguided parents, too many advantages in life... then you end up like Paris Hilton. What we got is a system where we can easily communicate verbally, musically & visually with each other instantaneously, using tools to find the information we need to enlighten ourselves and each other. And this is why we need to be vigilant about keeping the internet open and free.
God wants to see us improve, just like we like happy endings in the movies. But, we still go to movies without knowing the endings, because it's entertaining. We hate it when folks give away the ending. The internet can be used to elevate, but, it does have great power and misused, or underused, we could crucify ourselves again here.
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