Thursday, March 31, 2005

Grokster Looking Good

More Grokster stories:
wet machine

NY Times


The link above has the most info I've found yet on the questions posed by the Justices and the scene outside. It stuns me that TV has virtually ignored the story. All I heard was a few favorable sentences on KRON. The most mainstream story I found was in the latest issue of Newsweek, which, like the tech sections of the Washington Post, at least their online version, has favored Grokster. Today's story had some good coverage about the tone of the questions. This audio feed has some additional perspective. As usual, P2Pnet did a good job checking the white male blogosphere for slant and ignorance.

It's sad I have to accumulate coverage from the internet alone to let folks know what's happening in this important case but, what can I say? People just don't seem to understand the larger issues here. Looks like we'll need to get the religious right to get Tom Delay and the rest of Congress to fight over resuscitation of the brain dead record industry and our persistent vegetative state of innovation, artistic freedom and fair use in order to apply some pressure here. We need someone to stand up for the American public the way they have for this one poor woman and say hey, we also have some minimal consciousness that needs, and in this case, actually can sustain, improvement. Speaking of which, check out Mark Cuban's post... highly interesting perspective of a born again content owner turned Taranto funder. Here's his interview with Gelf.

I'm heartened to see the sides being defined as entertainment vs. tech, which is a huge improvement over artists vs. thieves. EFF, in it's wisdom, didn't grandstand and instead lined up behind Taranto and IEEE. The people at EFF are the unsung heroes of our day... true pioneers of the frontier.

I'm also surprised the labels haven't used the case to try and whip up some support and sway public opinion. They seem to greatly prefer playing the villian than the victim to the general public, which confuses me. Isn't art supposed to be about joy, not fear? But hey, no one ever said they were smart. Jeez, can't they even get Don Henley to write lyrics like:

Welcome to the Hotel Noninforma
Such a lovely place
When I'm paid for grace
Livin it up for all eternity
And my grandkids too
Can't you see I don't even need to say

I mean, don't hide. It was bland, overproduced music like yours which sold more records than anyone. This guy has the top selling album of all time and transitioned us all from music with a message to music that mesmerized. I hope your karma goes as Beatle-stealer MJ's has... you know who he blames for his demise don't you? Sony, who wants the catalog.


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