Thursday, August 11, 2005

JG Seed or Greed?

8/11/05 Update:
Dave brings up an interesting point, one I had actually planned to include. I compare Jerry to Bono, who postures himself as this global savior yet cracks down on indie artists and vendors... hard. My recollection of the Dead is that of a huge cottage industry grown up around them... symbiosis. I can't think of a product in the world that hasn't had Garcia's face on it at some point. I don't know about the Bear guy and Jerry's estate, but, as I've said before in this blog, Jerry was an artist who cultivated grass roots enterprises and understood the value of that. He's almost the antithesis of an MJ or Bono to me, but, hey, if I'm wrong, clue me in.

Oh, and to the Jerry Bear thing itself, sure it's tasteless, but, hey, some unenlightened nuts said that about Duchamp's urinal too. Art, and beauty, are in the mind of the beholder and, as I've said before, I have no problem with building off icons to make art. It's valid comment.... or bad art... you choose.


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