Sunday, September 25, 2005

Bury the Hatchet

I guess I'll skip church this morning. First, we've got to get an early start for the Now and Zen Fest anyway. And second, my prayers have already been answered. Some brave yet wonderful savior has decided to blog his way to unseating Orrin Hatch and becoming perhaps P2P's answer to entrenched power that keeps Snow White and the Seven Dwarves in control of our culture. So, check out this story on the latest David, Steve Urquhart (see link at right for his campaign), and send him money.

Maybe he's the only hope we have to prevent a government for the corporations and by the corporations. Does it bother anyone else that RIAA & MPAA are now (9/27/05) holding an "Expo" for 200 members of Congress, to show them a few P2P services that are controllable. These corporate sponsored ISPs will be legal and other things like the relatively open and free Limewire will be long gone.


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