The link above is one of the best I've seen so far, not only because of the sardonic tone, which I always appreciate, especially when applied to the anathema of the earth RIAA, but its links and intervision. McKenzie picks up on why these vermin so undermine the fabric of our society, dragging us back to the dark ages of overvalued music. It's music! Not fucking gold bullion that spawns like fruit-flies for your endless profit.
I also liked this report, the first I saw, a few days ago, that show what liars these guys are.
And of course you can always count on the Extraordinary Freedom Fighters for a good assessment of the issues.
So, go XM! Save the world for democracy, freedom, music, Apple pie and all we hold dear! Let's hope they stay strong despite their set-backs, having dropped off 50% this year.
I also liked this report, the first I saw, a few days ago, that show what liars these guys are.
And of course you can always count on the Extraordinary Freedom Fighters for a good assessment of the issues.
So, go XM! Save the world for democracy, freedom, music, Apple pie and all we hold dear! Let's hope they stay strong despite their set-backs, having dropped off 50% this year.
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