Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Tom Dowd, The Funk Brothers & Karl Rove

My friend Laura keeps urging me to write for money: magazines, websites etc... and suggests I use snappy hooks and market research. I'm sure she'd love my title on this one. So, what do these three have in common? All are fairly unknown relative to the huge impact they have had on our culture and all three are the subjects of documentaries I've seen recently. God bless the documentary. I'm getting inspired to make one again, even though my son scared me off by telling me how time consuming they are... "you have to practically live with the people".

Directing films is extremely time consuming in general. This one I watched recently, 42 Up, filmed some 20 British kids every seven years since the age of seven. This was the seventh film in the series. On the commentary track, the director of this one, who had worked on the project since 1965 talked about how hard it was to get the subjects to open up on tape. He had to start buttering them up two years before each film was to come out.

Anyway, back to the three films I'm comparing here...the titles say it all... see if you can match them up.

Standing in the Shadows of Motown
The Language of Music
Bush's Brain

If you don't know how extensively these behind the scenes players have affected your day to day life, well, at least check out the links and inform yourself. I found all three films fascinating and highly recommend them. BTW, the first two made contributions that brought joy to millions of people for many years already, with no end in sight. None of them made any money, some died destitute. The last one fucked over (and I mean really fucked over) everyone who ever crossed him and millions who didn't... needless to say, he's a wealthy man.

If you look at the intervision, you can see why a man like Tom Dowd, who lives fully in the language of love and music, would care less about money. What drives a man like Karl Rove, or Nixon, or Cheney, Rumsfeld, Bush... I'll never understand. Does anyone... except those few Machiavellis among us?

Anyway, check out the Funk Bothers at the recently renovated Stern Grove July 31!

Monday, July 04, 2005

In The Pen Dance

Not affiliated with a larger, controlling unit.
Not requiring or relying on something else or somebody else
Not easily influenced
Showing self reliance and personal freedom

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Mail Me

Had a little epiphany this morning. I'm frequently asked, "What are you looking for?". Well, I finally figured it out. I'm looking for the male me. I guess I was too concerned about appearing egotistical to myself to face this rather obvious fact, but, when I think of what I am looking for in a man, it's basically a complete rundown of who I am, how I think and what I like... personality traits... everything. The closer it is to me... the more I like it.

Now, is everyone like this? I would imagine so. I guess every butterfly collector looks for another butterfly collector to share their passion with. I guess that's how & why these dating services operate. Match.com sends me these lists of compatible men but they're always in SF (where they have at least some culture). I however, live in Palo Alto, and therefore the male me would also need to be a Palo Altan, because, let me tell you, unless you've lived here a long time, you don't understand Palo Alto.... and, how do you explain that to someone?

Now, would I be bored with the male version of me... being, well, duplicative? Fuck no! I'm fascinating and therefore the male me would be too... see, it all works out. Let me clarify. I am not looking for a yes man. I'm NOT looking for passivity, submissiveness, acquiescence or a follower. Twenty years is enough for a lifetime. This is a total and full person in their own right who just happens to be exactly like me. That way it's all balanced out... no annoying power struggles. You're just on the same page, easily and nicely.

Most housewives I talk to are so shocked that I love being single... they try to subtly get all their little questions answered. I try to oblige, but, it's pretty fruitless. They just don't get it that there is a huge world out there and the internet is so efficient in finding it. At this point it takes about twenty guys to make up the male me. If you blended them all together, you'd have it. For now I've just got to date all of them to get it... tough life. In the end though, I'm sure the male me is right under my nose, waiting here in Palo Alto, maybe in some tired marriage... who knows, he's out there somewhere. Hope to hear from him soon.